Technical Writer

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New York City, San Francisco, Palo Alto, or Remote North America

The MongoDB Documentation team is a diverse and highly technical group of engineers who develop and maintain the documentation for the MongoDB product family. Our mission is to help developers and administrators successfully use MongoDB products by providing outstanding documentation. The MongoDB Documentation team is tightly integrated with the engineering teams responsible for each product.

The Cloud & Enterprise Tools documentation team is responsible for the following MongoDB products and services:

  • MongoDB Atlas, the cloud-hosted, fully-managed database as a service
  • MongoDB Cloud Manager, the cloud-hosted database management service
  • MongoDB Ops Manager, the on-premises database management service
  • MongoDB Kubernetes Operator, orchestrate MongoDB pods and their Cloud or Ops Manager configuration
  • MongoDB BI Connector, the SQL proxy for MongoDB
  • MongoDB Charts, create visualizations for data in MongoDB
  • MongoDB Compass, the GUI for MongoDB
  • MongoDB Spark Connector, the connector for Apache Spark

We are hands-on in our approach to learning complex technical topics and building engineer-focused content on: distributed systems in the cloud, REST APIs, backup and restoration, creating and modifying database deployments, enterprise-grade security, performance, and managing high availability and scalability in MongoDB clusters.

Your work will empower a global community of millions of engineers ranging from experienced MongoDB users to those new to MongoDB.

Candidate Profile

Candidates must have 5+ years of combined experience across any of the following roles: technical writer, developer advocate, software engineer, and/or product management. Beyond industry experience, we are looking for someone who is:

  1. Experienced helping engineers understand product concepts, perform procedures, and use REST APIs.
  2. A critical reader and an excellent writer.
  3. Experienced deploying and troubleshooting instances of software management tools locally and on one or more of the major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure).
  4. Confident reading application code to understand product functionality, especially code written in Java, JavaScript, or Go.
  5. Experienced testing and troubleshooting new product software.

Position Expectations

  • Work with technical and non-technical teams to meet the documentation needs of our readers.
  • Research product features and validate with diligent testing.
  • Produce technically accurate documentation that users value.
  • Contribute feedback to the team, through copy review and planning discussions.

Success Measures

In 3 months:

  • You are comfortable with our toolchain and writing style.
  • You can complete small to medium complexity writing assignments.
  • You are getting to know our Cloud and Enterprise Tools engineers and are getting comfortable with participating in intra and inter-team discussions.
  • You completed the required technical training and courses required of MongoDB Engineering.

In 6 months:

  • You create or update documentation for features and writing tutorials.
  • You possess a working knowledge of the products and know who to follow up with when you need to learn more.
  • You have adapted to our style of writing and your work has minimal grammar, syntax, or spelling errors.
  • You can review the work of your peers without reservation and can learn from what they have written.

In 12 months:

  • You actively take on documenting entire feature sets, complex tutorials, and high level concepts.
  • You know how much work you can manage and are contributing at a healthy pace.
  • You provide quality copy and technical reviews for your team members.
  • You and your manager have discussed your career trajectory and growth opportunities.

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