Staff Writer

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At Campfire Labs we’re building a different kind of company. Ok, we know that’s what every new-age company says, but hear us out.

We believe that businesses have a responsibility to do right by their employees, their surrounding communities, and the planet. That’s why we’ve pledged 50% of our profits and equity to non-profits solving the climate crisis. It’s also why we’re converting our company later this year to be employee-owned and share our profits with employees. And it’s why we strive to bring in diverse voices into all the stories we produce for our customers.

Most of our team is remote, which means that parents can be at home for their kids, and team members can live where they want to live not where they can get paid the highest salary (like Luke who lives in a small town on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia). Some of our team works in Denver where we have an office in one of those hip neighborhoods with third-wave coffee and all that jazz (ok, in that way we’re like other new-age companies).

We’re deeply committed to making our employees successful and happy in their work. We invest time in coaching and training. We’re transparent about everything except people’s salaries and involve the entire team in decision-making. We even gave our first employee funding to work on her own environmental non-profit. In other words, we treat everyone on our team like humans, not some cog in a machine designed to deliver “shareholder value” (sorry Milton Friedman, we think your vision for the world was, well, kinda crappy).

Why apply for this job?

A lot of marketing on the internet is bad. We love all the cat gifs, and think those should stay, but we think there should be less “10 Things You Need to Know About XYZ” and more stories full of interesting characters and plots. Our internal north star is to tell stories that feel like they could run in The New Yorker or The Atlantic. As a staff writer, you’ll be an essential part of achieving this goal.

You’ll be working with exceptionally talented storytellers and marketers. Our team has written stories for publications like The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Fast Company. Our senior editorial manager, Jack, has edited writers who have gone on to work at The New Yorker and write books for the best publishing houses. We are all dedicated to great storytelling and growing as writers every day.

We work with some really cool brands like Dropbox, Asana, and Stripe that share our values. For example, we’re inspired and strive to learn from Asana’s efforts to be radically inclusive and Stripe’s innovative approaches to solving the climate crisis.


  • Researching and pitching story ideas based on our customers’ marketing strategy
  • Interviewing thought leaders and industry experts about their ideas and turning them into compelling and engaging stories (like Cal Newport who we interviewed for Dropbox).
  • Writing stories that explain concepts and keep readers engaged
  • Editing stories based on feedback from the editorial team and customer feedback
  • Self-management of workload, project update and communications with clients, in collaboration with editorial production leadership and account management

What we’re looking for:

  • Experience writing for great publications — Think national magazines like Wired or business blogs like Buffer
  • A good eye for stories that engage readers — We like writers who can interview a boring academic and spin up a story that’s impossible to put down
  • Experience writing about business — You’re curious about the world of business and don’t flinch when someone talks about a marketing funnel or Google Analytics
  • Low ego and entitlement — You aren’t a creative diva, but instead enjoy learning about people and telling their stories no matter their background
  • Values alignment — You value kindness, enjoy helping your teammates grow, and believe in the idea of “people before profits”

Please click the button below to apply for the remote job.

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