Promotional Materials Designer

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We are a Software / Manufacturing company based in London. We are looking for a designer to work for our Xmas Promotional Products Design project. In total we have 3-4 products and we need our branding on it.

1- Branded 2021 Marketing Calendar

  • Printed (A5) and Digital Version (Google Calendar)
  • If you can help us about the content would be nice otherwise we will provide 2-3 sources which shows important days
  • Content needs to include important dates for retail like example: Cyber Monday etc etc
  • Creative calendar ideas welcome.

2- Notebook

  • Cover design
  • More details will be given.

3- Sticker

  • Die- cut sticker design with our logo

4- T-shirt

  • Slogan based T-shirt design with company logo

We would to start as soon as possible.

Interested in? Please contact us with your amazing sample works and let’s have a chat.

Please click the button below to apply for the remote job.

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