Musical instrument and music writers

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I am currently looking for writers who have a strong grounding and interest in musical instruments and music in general. The ideal writer would have strong English writing skills and be able to write at length about certain topics.

Also, you need to be able to work independently and come up with your own blog title suggestions based around the core themes. The themes that currently need to be written up are listed below, so please state which ones you think you would be best at in your application email.

  • Music and psychology/mental health
  • Music and its effects on productivity
  • How music can be motivational
  • Children and musical instruments (learning/studying)
  • Instruments: Guitar, Ukulele, Piano, Violin
  • Singing and Song-writing
  • Music production
  • The music industry

In your application, please include samples of your work for other sites. They don’t necessarily have to be related to any of the themes.

This position will be on-going. The initial workload will be done in February and March, with some work after that. Please state your availability and how much you can write per week in February and March.

This position is open to native speakers ONLY who have strong written English language skills. Only work that has been thoroughly proofread and is clean of grammatical and spelling mistakes (including the correct usage of apostrophes) will be accepted.

All work must be written by the person who is applying. Please do not attempt to offload work onto other writers you know or may know.

All work must be at least 99% Copyscape proof (preferably 100%) and a check will be run after submission. If you are unsure as to whether your work will pass a Copyscape check, then please open an account before submitting anything.

The articles will range in length from 500 words up to 2-3000 words max. You will be allocated a batch of articles to write up after passing an initial assessment phase for the first couple of articles.

When applying please state your rates per 1000, 5000 and 10000 words. Thanks!

Please click the button below to apply for the remote job.

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