Marketing & SaaS Writers

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We need awesome marketing and SaaS writers ASAP.

We’re looking for excellent writers with experience in the marketing space and published work samples which show your knowledge and ability to write for the web.

Here are the details…

Why work with us?

  1. We work with the best clients in the industry. We produce the best content imaginable for the best sites and the best people in the space. That means you get access to smart, low maintenance clients that’ll blow up your portfolio portfolio.
  2. You will become a MUCH better writer in a very short amount of time. Why? Because we’ll give you the processes, tools, support, training, and feedback to learn how to write more in less time, and then we’ll give you the opportunity to write, and write, and write some more. You’ll go from one article in eight hours to one in four. You do the math on that hourly rate.
  3. You’ll have the freedom of being a freelance writer: unlimited vacation, work your own hours, work with top-tier clients, etc. Except you won’t have to deal with all the headaches of client management.
  4. We’re 100% remote. So it doesn’t matter where you live or what hours you work. Our clients are spread across North America, Europe, and Australia. So we’re set-up to work across time zones, without requiring anyone to virtually punch a clock.
  5. We always have extra work to go around. And we’ll pay you for content above and beyond your normal capacity. So in addition to the normal pay hikes as you get better (see below), we’ll always have extra work you can take on if you’re interested in working overtime.

Stuff to know:

  1. We’re process-based. That means we have resources and checklists we want you to follow so that you can increase consistency and cut down on the time it takes to create an article. ‘Creatives’ might not like this disciplined approach. But we guarantee your ability to produce high-quality content will skyrocket within the first few months.
  2. We’re super friendly. We want to support you and do anything possible to help you get better. But we can’t babysit and won’t BS you. If something’s not good, we’ll let you know. Nicely, but firmly. We’re all trying to get better on a daily basis. And that requires constant feedback from other people so that we can all improve.

Please click the button below to apply for the remote job.

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