Experienced Romance Writers

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Are you passionate about writing romance? Do you want to earn a consistent income?

If so, then this could very well be your next paid writing gig!

Job Overview

We are seeking experienced romance writers, who speak and write in native US English, to expand our fiction team. Let us know if you have experience in paranormal, contemporary, and clean romance writing and please mention if mafia and motorcycle club romance are your favorites.

Selected writers understand that ghostwriters are paid for the work they produce, therefore the work’s copyright transfers to the client upon payment.

We are a fast-paced, growing ghostwriting service, ready to provide you with consistent and exciting projects! We offer continuous work, all assigned by project managers, so you don’t have to apply, bid, or create proposals for each job.

You can work in the comfort of your own home or office or lounge on your deck or poolside.

The Company

Our brand is synonymous with high quality writing and great customer experience, but we continue to strive for more. Our online reviews are a testament to our values. Our team of writers work hard to make sure every client receives an outstanding experience from start to finish. In return, HGW is dedicated to keeping an enjoyable work environment and a productive working relationship.

We will keep your calendar full of exciting projects provided by a project manager while you write from the location of your choice.

Pay Rate

Earn between $375 and $2,225 per project depending on word count. Some of our writers make over $4,000 per month!

We do not charge fees. We do not collect a percentage of your pay. We do not ask for proposals. You write high quality and keep our clients happy. We manage your projects and you enjoy full pay for each book. You also receive additional pay for outlines and character development.

Our Requirements

We’re looking for outstanding skills in romance writers. You’ll be asked to select up to three of your favorite subgenres. Please submit a sample doc, docx, or PDF file for each subgenre you select. If you’re successful, we’ll hire you to write in all three subgenres.

What We Need:

  • Your longest story was over 10,000 words long
  • You write memorable romance stories with appropriate levels of emotions and humor, believable dialogue, and outstanding character development.
  • You understand, as a ghostwriter, that you will receive no official credit for the completed work.
  • You can write clean romance or erotic scenes.
  • You are a native English writer and speaker. All writing must be in US English.
  • You are a deadline-oriented freelance worker with a 2,000-word-per-day writing pace.
  • You have traditional or self-publishing experience, or you have  ghostwritten in romance themes/tropes.
  • You understand what readers want, and you can write to market.
  • You have long-term availability. Our clients love for the same writer to create their series.
  • You are available throughout the day to respond to team members and client messages on our platform.
  • You are reliable, well-spoken, open to constructive criticism and a good communicator.

All content on applications and samples will be screened. You will be asked to submit a copy of your resume and photo ID if asked for an interview.

How To Apply?

Please click the link below to complete an application form and to upload your writing samples. If you’re a little unsure about your level of experience, please still get in touch. As long as you show an understanding of romance fiction in your answers and your provided doc, docx, or PDF samples, we’d love to consider you 🙂

Please click the button below to apply for the remote job.

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