Content Writer, Editor, Strategist

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At Happen to Your Career we are a small, rapidly growing, company that believes in doing work you love and doing work in your strengths.

We value potential over experience and give high preference to those are already familiar with our brand and how we help people live the life they want to!

In this part-time to full time contract position you will be working closely with Our CEO, and our Content Team for all of our products and brands (Happen to Your Career, Career Change Bootcamp, Family Passport, etc)

It would be your job to produce the “Best in the World” Content in the areas we help with.


  • If your writing is on brand. Here’s a great example of the quality of work we are looking for
  • The content you create is putting us in the top 10 for Search Engines or we’re increasing the help and relationship we have with our audience.
  • We are over achieving on our all our monthly goals (conversion, revenue and student).
  • You’re creating shareable content (and we’re exponentially increasing the amount of shares we get)
  • You’re Helping us make the writing and content creation process easier and more effective. Removing anything that is extra that gets in the way of the three above! (and helping us prioritize how to use our resources) – Helping us eliminate what isn’t working and focus our time on what does
  • We are making changes because of data that has been produced by you
  • The subject matter experts on the team are spending more time collaborating with you and almost zero time creating content or writing themselves (this includes the coaches, CEO, etc)


  • Creating PoP (Path of Possiblity) Content: You’ll be responsible for showing our audience (and clients and students)
  • Scripting and developing the story for large impact projects: We are writing a 3rd book right now, a TEDx talk and narrative based podcasts. You would be involved with all of these projects and similar projects as a writer, the “owner of story” and a collaborator.
  • Ideation and development: Work with CEO other content team members to give voice to our self-development concepts, frameworks, and tools in podcasts, blog posts, videos, live workshops, webinars, and online courses.
  • World Class Writing and editing: Work within our brand voice to create, update, and refine blog posts, guest posts on other sites, teaching notes, course video scripts, slide decks, workbooks, bonuses, and ancillary materials as needed. GOAL: Making sure that what we put into the world is “Anti-Vanilla” and different material (and fits our values below)
  • Research: Research and expand knowledge base for Guides, workshops and courses.
  • Curation: Update and integrate existing intellectual assets into relevant formats (ex. old blog posts and podcasts into new guides and more relevant posts)
  • Production: Produce audio, video, PDF, design elements and other content. Populate course sites for multiple products. Coordinate any necessary transcription, copywriting, video, audio, and/or design needs.
  • Coordination: Participate in weekly meetings with content creation team. Lead content projects. Hire and supervise contractors (e.g., writers, audio/video producers, editors, designers, proofers) to ensure clear communication regarding deadlines, deliverables, etc.
  • Design and creative: Produce graphics in-house using web apps like Canva, Work with outside designers to create workbooks, ebooks, graphics, and illustrations as needed. (may occasionally need to
  • SEO for all of our blog posts and pages
  • Optimizing all content to meet our goals: create all our content for the purpose to educate, give hope, empower people to share, allow for people to option/continue to engage and above all be genuinely helpful, personal and stand out.


  • You have either been involved in journalism OR have “Journalist tendencies” You’re insanely curious, you want to uncover and share the truth behind the story. Writing high quality work on short deadlines is something you’ve done hundreds of times. You can pull the story and the tiniest (and largest details) out of anyone.
    • *IMPORTANT you will need to be able to write about content areas you are not an expert in by collaborating and extracting all the details from our CEO and Subject matter experts. Then you will need to be able to turn it into useable content that fits our brand and PoP Content standards
  • It floats your boat when you think about creating world class really really helpful content: We want to push the boundaries of creating incredible value driven highly personalized, highly emotional and medium to medium high snarky content for our audience. We only want to put world class content out there. (also…it’s ok if you’re drooling a bit right now.)
  • You can learn and execute much quicker than the average person: You’re used to running laps around the average person when it comes to execution in the areas of your talents
  • You can’t help making things better: Continuous improvement is a stupid term because it’s just a way of life for you.
  • Loves writing, creating and marketing: In fact you’ve probably talked to someone about one of these in the last 24 hours… You can’t help it, it’s cool! Let your Nerd Flag fly!
  • Understands SEO in theory and practice: You do understand SEO in content marketing and have used it (with the URLs to prove it)
  • You probably have a blog or a website or even a biz of your own (or all of the above)
  • You can take dense subjects like studies and research and turn them into something novel, entertaining and useful for people who don’t want to read throu
  • You find solutions: You can’t help it, when something goes wrong you have a “I will figure this out and make it happen” mentality about you!


  • Knows what the backend of a wordpress site looks like, when I say trade out the images on the About page or replace the Payment links on the sales page it doesn’t faze you, you either already know what it is or you are confident you can figure it out.
  • Understands Direct Response Copywriting: You have a proven ability to get people to take action thru content. You enjoy the challenge of helping people move to action with words and visuals. (we will look for examples of this)
  • Love Editing and The Details: You’re probably cringing as you’ve read through this and my misuse of commas is driving you batty and you just want to pat me on the head like a small child for my inconsistent use of colons and other punctuation!!! Best of all you love collaborating with someone to create a really really amazing piece of work!
  • You have experience in Content Marketing, Ghost Writing, as a Journalist, or Script Writing for audio or movies.

This is a 100% remote work, contract project position. It starts with several small project contract as part of interview process and depending on how you do we will stop OR go part-time/full time.

Please click the button below to apply for the remote job.

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