Content Writer

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We’re looking for long term skilled writers to create high-quality blog content for clients of our content service (

Our clients have websites about everything under the sun, so you’ll need to be able to research and write authoritatively about a wide array of topics. Our service is growing rapidly, so we can give you as much work as you want. Please do not apply to this position unless you are able to commit to working with us long term. 

Note that due to the costs involved in adding writers to our project management software, you’ll need to be able to write at least 8,000 words per week to be considered for a position. 

If you’d like to apply, please send us a 100 to 200-word guide on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

Pretend you’re writing a mini blog post; this will help me gauge your writing ability. You will not be considered if you do not include this sample.

Please focus on providing direct and concise instructions in this mini blog post. While we appreciate talented creative writers, fancy metaphors, complicated language, and other storytelling elements this is not what our clients are looking for.

No fluff.

Please also attach any writing samples you’d like to share. Blog post samples are preferred, but we’ll read anything you’ve got on hand.

Please send your application to When sending your message, use the subject line “Problogger Job Application” so we know where you’re applying from.

Also, please include your weekly word count availability in the application (remember is needs to be at least 8,000 words per week).

If I like your samples, you’ll need to watch a paid training video and write a 1,250 word test article.

I will pay you $35 via PayPal for both writing the article and watching the training video.

If your test article shows that you’re a good writer and you were able to accurately follow the formatting requirements, we’ll add you to the team and begin giving you regular article assignments.

Our article lengths are 1,250 words each, 2,500 words each, and 3,500 words each, so you need to consider whether or not you’ll be able to write an article of those lengths when applying.

We’re always hiring, so if you read this a week or two after I’ve posted, please don’t hesitate to apply anyway.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Please click the button below to apply for the remote job.

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