Content Crafter

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You’re a glass-half-full personality that creates your own opportunities. You thrive on being independent and also enjoy collaboration with smart, nice people.

You learn and adapt to changes and roadblocks. Of course, that’s made you reliable, detail oriented and knowledgeable because you always want to do it better the next time.

About us:

We’re As a company, we’re an optimization software market leader. As people, we care about inclusivity, self-determination, flexibility, and photos of each other’s pets.

Right now we’re looking for a part-time veteran Content Crafter—who’s ready to geek out about marketing, and can make technical topics engaging. You’re the key to guiding more readers to free trials and demos after reading our clear, helpful content. Help us to reframe how people think about optimization!

In a typical week you’ll:

  • Create at least 1 content piece every week.
  • Research the subject matter thoroughly
  • Reach out to team members to gather feedback
  • Work with the content calendar consistently to offer workload and process clarity
  • Respect the Editorial calendar and schedule
  • Interpret Google Analytics reports to gauge content performance and improve it.

Job requirements

To be a strong candidate you’ll have:

  • Ability to take feedback
  • Ability to do long-tail keyword SEO research
  • Ability to Use content tools like SEMRush content templates
  • A basic understanding of Google Analytics data
  • Drive to learn and learn and learn
  • Ability to be a team player
  • Ability to cut straight to the point with writing
  • Solid understanding of the SaaS buyer’s journey
  • Ability to over-communicate and offer clarity into the schedule of content being written.
  • Capacity to write high-converting content and have a smart, persuasive writing style

Bonus Points:

  • Existing core CRO knowledge, including stats and testing terminology

Salary: Up to $25 an hour.

Weekly limit: 20 hours a week.

Needs to Be Hired By: April 2020

Not quite a fit for this role? No problem. We’re always looking to partner with people who are excited to grow, regardless of location and who offer a mix of affordability and experience. Make us a proposal here

We are a 100% remote team, working across 10 time-zones. Don’t worry about looking for your location on the advert, you can apply from anywhere.

Please click the button below to apply for the remote job.

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